About Us
A warm welcome to Majime Studio
Our name Majime arrives from a Japanese word meaning an earnest and reliable person who can simply get things done without causing drama.
And Studio is a place where all art activities take place. We take proud and consider our perform is an art for the sincere and genuine delivery of each perfect products with our deep care for each and every client.
The studio was originally established on the beginning of December 2017 by 2 enthusiasts in Brisbane, Queensland.
Our vision is to delivery each chosen product/service in a special and non-cruel, animal-friendly, vegan friendly manner and in an artistry way.
The main goals are to create memorable and valuable experience for clients.
Services are strictly delivered to meet client’s expectation. In addition, clients are highly encouraged to give honest feedback about any product or service to improve the quality of experience.
Thank you and again welcome to Majime Studio!
Discover our range of service and book your appointment now via "Book an Appointment" button below
Or directly contact: 0415 671 811 for any further enquires.